Friday, July 3, 2009

good morning!

how do you usually start your morning? well, not when you have a 6am call time in the middle of gloomy november but - let's say - on a morning like this. (friday, july 3rd - long lazy weekend ahead and outside your studio window is sunny manhattan view)

i start my morning with a cup of cappuccino with a fluffy milk foam & a pinch of cinnamon. but instead of an old-fashion morning newspaper while having my coffee i read blogs. here is my personal top 10 [both for visuals & information] i would not be able to [professionally] live without:

- ru_glamour
- notcot
- fashion-ation
- lookbook
- paranaiv
- professional photographer
- art producer's blog
- commincation arts insights
- photo editor
- burn auto parts

good morning!

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