Wednesday, June 24, 2009

richard avedon @ ICP

there is no need to introduce richard avedon. while mostly known for his fashion imaginary he is a master depicting women rather than promoting fleeting changes in style. black&white or color, his images are graphic and sexual. if you are a fan of his as much as i am you definitely should go to his exhibition at ICP where one can follow evolution of his imaginary from early 50s to modern 2000s.

it doesn't matter, black&white or color, he always managed to create "a kind of dream image". his series "in memory of the late mr. & mrs. comfort" still amazes me with perfection of each element: whimsical concept, brilliant execution, beautiful fashion, stunning nadia aurman..

walking from room into room you see images of "confident women striding across the page into a self-sufficient future, dancing to their own tune": elegant dovima, femme fatale sunny harnett, verushka, twiggy, lind evangelista, stephanie seymour, nadia aurman.. it's avedon's signature style, together with his famous contrasty lighting and "jumping" poses in frozen motion. (lifeless imitations of which still feed lots of modern photographers)

"you can't separate fashion from the world. fashion is the way we live". richard avedon

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